With the release of GitHub Actions we have gained an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to testing and publishing software hosted on GitHub. Actions lets you essentially perform arbitrary computing tasks whenever certain events in your repository are triggered. While platforms like Circle-CI or Travis have offered similar capabilities for a while, Actions make some of those tasks significantly more convenient due to how deeply it is integrated with GitHub.

What I want to show you in this post is how you can provide downloadable compiled binaries and tarballs for users of your projects using just a few lines of Actions configuration. Having prebuilt binaries like this makes it significantly easier for new users to check out and start using your project, especially those less familiar with the language and tooling you use.

In this post I will be describing a project written in Haskell and built using stack. However except for the build commands none of the configuration is unique to this toolchain and you should be able to easily adapt it to your own build method.

I’ve created a test repo to tinker with this stuff which you can find here. There you can find the configuration I describe below, as well as see the uploaded assets on the releases page.

If you just want to see the configuration I use and figure the rest out for yourself, take a look at the section Configuration. After that I’ll explain in more detail the individual steps taken in the configuration and I’ll close with some Caveats that apply to this method.

The next section is about my motivation for getting involved with this and writing this post. If you are only here for the technical stuff you can safely skip it.


I recently found myself wanting to check out a project called gitit which is essentially a small server that serves a wiki. All the wiki really is is a git repository of files with support for several formats, such as markdown. The server lets you view, create and edit the files in the browser and persists your changes by committing. Its a nice, simple piece of software, especially because the stored data can easily be handled outside of the server, making it easy to migrate or interact with from an editor.

What I found rather annoying is that, given the features, this piece of software should be a simple, small binary with perhaps a few static assets. And it is. However the only method available for acquisition is building from source. Now 💚 Haskell, but it is notorious for its slow build times. To make matters worse, gitit, in order to support multiple file formats, depends the library version of a software called pandoc, which is a large, multi-format document rendering and conversion software. This means to build gitit the large pandoc software has to be built, pulling in and building all of its many dependencies. If I remember correctly a total of around 120 Haskell libraries were downloaded and built, which took over 30 minutes on a quad core machine, just to make this simple, tiny 40mb binary. Not to mention that someone who doesn’t have Haskell installed would also have to download the build tools ghc, stack, cabal etc.

Given how scary and involved this process is and how obscure Haskell as a language is I feel that this simple software would be significantly more accessible to people if it provided prebuilt binaries that one would just have to download and run. Takes but a few seconds and avoids having to explain the build process. And since the project is already using GitHub Actions as CI, adding another config to build assets on release seems like a pretty straightforward addition.

Back in the day I used to so similar things on Travis, building and uploading binaries. Back then it required you to create a custom API key for interacting with the GitHub releases and storing that in Travis as well as properly talking to the GitHub API to upload stuff. It may be a bit much to ask of authors to set up travis and the keys etc, etc. But since Actions needs none of that I feel it’s low-effort enough for virtually anyone to just start using it. Hence this call to … Actions 😜

If you’re interested, my PR with the changes to the gitit workflows can be found here.


name: Create Assets

    types: [published]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest]

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Cache programs and libraries
      uses: actions/cache@v2
        cache-name: cache-tools-and-libraries
        path: ~/.stack
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-ca-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/stack.yaml.lock') }}
        restore-keys: |
          ${{ runner.os }}-ca-${{ env.cache-name }}-
          ${{ runner.os }}-ca-
          ${{ runner.os }}-

    - name: Build the project
      run: stack build
    - name: Tar and strip the binary
      run: |
        export PROGRAM=chbwa
        cp `stack exec -- which $PROGRAM` $PROGRAM
        tar -cavf program.tar.gz $PROGRAM
    - name: Upload assets
      id: upload-release-asset 
      uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        upload_url: ${{ github.event.release.upload_url }}
        asset_path: ./program.tar.gz
        asset_name: program-${{ runner.os }}.tar.gz
        asset_content_type: application/tar.gz


Header and build config

name: Create Assets

    types: [published]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest]

Standard header. We name the workflow and configure the trigger using the on clause. While you can choose several triggers, you can only upload assets for releases. If another event were to trigger the workflow the upload url used later in the configuration would be missing.

We configure to run on all platforms available to github1 using the matrix. Important: GitHub also offers builds on Windows, but I haven’t yet translated the steps to the shell used on windows. I know how to include platform-dependent steps in the config, but I’m not familiar enough with the Windows shell to translate the commands. If you know what these commands would look like on Windows, let me know.


    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

The steps list the various commands we’d like to run. They can either call on actions (uses key) or sun shell commands (run key). This action here checks out the repo.


    - name: Cache programs and libraries
      uses: actions/cache@v2
        cache-name: cache-tools-and-libraries
        path: ~/.stack
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-ca-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/stack.yaml.lock') }}
        restore-keys: |
          ${{ runner.os }}-ca-${{ env.cache-name }}-
          ${{ runner.os }}-ca-
          ${{ runner.os }}-

I’ve left this in here, but I’m sad to say it doesn’t work for me. For some reason the key lookup always fails. If anyone has an idea why let me know.


    - name: Build the project
      run: stack build
    - name: Tar and strip the binary
      run: |
        export PROGRAM=chbwa
        cp `stack exec -- which $PROGRAM` $PROGRAM
        tar -cavf program.tar.gz $PROGRAM

Build the project the usual way.

If you have additional assets you need to distribute with your executable I recommend packaging it as a archive here. This reduces the download times.

Dealing with data-files (Haskell specific)

Some Haskell libraries and executables rely on additional data-files and the Paths_package_name module, managed by cabal. If you get an error that a certain file could not be opened when running the binary you uploaded as a asset, this is likely the reason. Especially if the path is something like /home/runner/.stack/snapshots/<a long hash value>/package-1.0.5/....

There are two components to fixing this error.

  1. You must identify the files to include and
  2. Overwrite the paths cabal has baked into the program

I describe how to do both of those shortly, but you may also like to look at this gist which is a Haskell script that does both and copies the files to a directory (vendor-data/package-name).

1. Finding assets

If the missing assets are from your project itself you can skip this step and move on.

When stack or cabal was building your project it will have stored asset files of all libraries and ghc-pkg knows where. To find the data directory of a library (say filestore) use the command ghc-pkg field filestore data-dir. If you are using stack you should prepend stack exec -- before this command to make sure you query the correct package database. This returns a string of the form "data-dir: /home/user/...\n". So you need to strip off the "data-dir: " prefix, as well as the trailing \n.

1. Overwriting cabal paths

Libraries that use the data-dir functionality interact with is typically using the Paths_<package name> generated module. You can overwrite any paths set in this module using environment variables. For instance, if I wanted to set the data-file path for the filestore package to "foo/bar", I have to set the variable filestore_datadir=foo/bar. This is documented here in the cabal manual.

My solution for doing this automatically ist to not directly call the compiled binary, but instead providing a shell script that sets these variables before calling the actual program, forwarding any arguments. You can see an example of such a script here.


    - name: Upload assets
      id: upload-release-asset 
      uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        upload_url: ${{ github.event.release.upload_url }}
        asset_path: ./program.tar.gz
        asset_name: program-${{ runner.os }}.tar.gz
        asset_content_type: application/tar.gz

This is where the convenience of Actions really comes in. We can use the predefined upload-release-asset action which will deal with talking to the the GitHub API for us. In addition we have access to the secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN which is used to authenticate the upload request. We do not need to request the token, it is already there in every Actions run.

You can call this action several times in your workflow config if you need to upload more than one asset per build, for instance if you compile several binaries with more or fewer features.

To note here is that you should make sure the asset name is unique to the build (bu including information such as the OS) or it will clash with assets uploaded from other runs of our matrix.


By running on the GitHub infrastructure the platforms and OS versions for which you can build these binaries is limited to whatever GitHub has to offer. However since these encompass the most common OS’es found out there I think it is worth the effort, especially for smaller projects that are unable to afford their own build servers.

  1. Not quite true, we only run on their latest versions. You can run on more versions, but I haven’t yet discovered how to get the version identifier during the build to include in the asset name.